1. Sample formats
Please consult the Guide for the Preparation of Theses for samples on how to format your thesis.
2. Referencing
Per the Guide for the Preparation of Theses: The text of the standard graduate thesis consists of the Introduction section or chapter, followed by several well-defined sections or chapters, which contain the research results, finishing with a Conclusion and Discussion section or chapter, or a summary statement of the results of the investigation. The List of References section (or bibliography) follows the text, and any appendices follow this.
Please consult the Guide for the Preparation of Theses for more detailed information on references and further resources that you can consult for referencing help.
3. Sandwich theses
If some of the research undertaken expressly for the degree has previously been published or prepared by the student as one or more journal articles, or parts of books, those items may be included within the thesis subject to the School of Graduate Studies’ regulations and to obtaining permission from the supervisory committee.
Please consult the Guide for the Preparation Theses for more detailed information on Sandwich Theses.
4. E-thesis file name conventions
For your e-thesis to be published via MacSphere, the final version of your thesis should be named using the following file naming convention:
5. Questions and assistance
Please email gthesis@mcmaster.ca.