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Enrolment and Start Dates

Deadline dates for grad programs

Fall term 2024-25

Winter term 2024-25

Summer term 2023-24

Dates September to December 2024
Sept to Oct (1HF)
Nov to Dec (2HF)
January to April 2025
Jan to Feb (1HF)
March to April (2HF)
May to August 2024
May to June (1HF)
July to August (2HF)
On-time registration
(If you are an MBA students, please visit the MBA website for registration and other important dates and deadlines.)
June 25
to August 1
November 21
to  December 5
March 28
to April 11
Class start dates* Classes begin on or after September 1. Check with program for details. Classes begin on or after January 2. Check with program for details. Class start dates vary.
Check with program for details.
Late registration (fees apply) August 2
to September 6
December 6
to January 2
April 12
to April 27
Clearing Conditions of Admission:
Deadline to provide required documents
December 1 April 1 August 1

* The precise start dates of courses are determined by programs. Please contact your program for details. Graduate Studies maintains the 13-week graduate instruction period; if a course does not fall into the traditional instruction period, however, the program will inform students of important dates and deadlines in the course syllabus. There is no official fall break or reading week for graduate students (except for MBA). Students should check with their program and their course instructors as to whether classes will be held during these times. Please see sections 1.3 (Responsibilities of Graduate Students to the university) and 2.5.8 (Vacations) of the Graduate Calendar for more information.

Accommodation for religious, Indigenous and spiritual observances

The university welcomes and includes students, staff, and faculty from a wide range of cultural, traditional, and spiritual beliefs. As per the Policy on Academic Accommodation for Religious, Indigenous and Spiritual Observances, the university will arrange reasonable accommodation of the needs of students who observe religious holy days other than those already accommodated by ordinary scheduling and statutory holidays.