Complete the following form to nominate a student for the Fall Valedictorian or to nominate yourself.
Please check with your graduate program administrator to confirm that you have been approved to graduate for the Fall 2024 convocation ceremony, prior to completing a nomination.
About the form and submission
- All fields in this form are required.
- Fields are both text and radio buttons.
- A nomination submission is not complete until all supporting documents are uploaded using the Upload link below.
- You do not need to upload all supporting documents before submitting the completed nomination form, but please note that a nomination submission is not complete until all supporting documents are uploaded using the Upload link below.
Important: You will not receive an email reminder that your submission is incomplete. Please ensure all documents have been uploaded prior to the deadline.
Submit supporting documents for Valedictorian Nomination – Stage 1
Required supporting documents
Please ensure you have reviewed the overview for all details related to the nomination process.
Naming convention: Please use the nominee’s first initial and last name on all documents. See examples below.
- Maximum two-page letter outlining why the graduate student accepts the nomination or is nominating themself. (JSmith_LOR_nomination)
- One copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae (CV). (JSmith_CV)
- One Letter of Reference – academic. (JSmith_LOR_academic)
- One Letter of Reference – peer. (JSmith_LOR_peer)
NOTE: Letters from the selection committee are not eligible as supporting documents.
Nominations are closed.