- The supervisory committee must approve thesis project plans, including those that are part of a larger collaborative project led by others (e.g. research team members or collaborators).
- Provide students with timely, but not instantaneous, feedback. As an example, corrections to a thesis chapter, major research project, or a manuscript optimally should occur within a few weeks, and to a draft of the thesis within the timelines outlined in the graduate calendar.
- Duties of the Supervisory Committee as per Section 1.2.4 of Graduate Calendar:
- to assist in planning and to approve the student’s program of courses and research;
- to approve the thesis proposal;
- to decide, within departmental regulations, on the timing of the comprehensive examination and, where applicable, of the language and other examinations;
- to maintain knowledge of the student’s research activities and progress;
- to give advice on research, usually through the student’s supervisor;
- to provide the student with regular appraisals or progress or lack of it;
- to perform such other duties as may be required by the department;
- to report on the above matters annually, in writing, on the approved form to the department, which in turn will report to the Faculty Graduate Committee on Admissions and Study;
- to initiate appropriate action if the student’s progress is unsatisfactory, including any recommendation that the student withdraw, for approval by the department and the Faculty Committee on Graduate Admissions and Study;
- to decide when the student is to write the thesis and give advice during this process;
- to act as internal examiners for the student’s thesis;
- to act as members of the examination committee for the final oral defence when so appointed.