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Gallery of Graduate Arts

Reconnecting researchers with their artistic side.

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This year, we are going to reconnect with graduate artists at McMaster by continuing the tradition of the Gallery of Graduate Arts. The purpose of the gallery, which is the prodigy of the Amateur Art Exhibition (established in 2014 by Irena Radisevic) is to encourage graduate students to pursue their artistic talents alongside their graduate careers. In order to achieve this, we plan carry out the following objectives:

  1. Organize a space and atmosphere to facilitate an art gallery at McMaster University that is open to graduate students, faculty, staff and the general public.
  2. Invite graduate and faculty artists to share their experiences about their artwork and how it has impacted their lives and their research.
  1. Organize a space and atmosphere to facilitate an art gallery that is open to graduate students, faculty, staff and the general public.
    To carry out this objective, we will reserve a time and location for the gallery to be held during the fall term. Last year we held this event at the McMaster Heersink Reading Pavilion, which was a fantastic experience. This year we aim to organize this event off-campus in a city venue or gallery, as we believe this would create a greater emphasis on art and research in the McMaster graduate community and reach out to the greater Hamilton community. Alongside this effort, we will promote the gallery to graduate students across McMaster University through social media and department emails. We will invite students to submit pictures of their artwork whether it is in the form of sketches, paintings, sculptures – all forms of artwork will be welcome.
  2. Invite graduate and faculty artists to share their experiences about their artwork and how this has impacted their lives and their research.
    As part of the gallery, we will invite the participating graduate students and faculty to be guest speakers at the event. They will be encouraged to share their experiences and describe how they incorporate it in their everyday lives. We would also like to take it a step further by inviting a speaker who combines both art and research on a day-to-day basis in their careers to highlight the importance of interdisciplinary trajectories. Examples of these careers are medical illustrators, knowledge translators, and authors, to name a few.
  1. Yasmeen Mezil, PhD, Medical Sciences, Artist Communication Lead
  2. Manreet (Sonia) Padwal, PhD, Medical Sciences, Event Planning Lead
  3. Tanya Miladinovic, PhD, Medical Sciences, Gallery Promotion Lead

We believe that this event will lead to an increased sense of community between graduate students on a creative and professional level. We expect graduate students to gain a better sense of confidence in their artistic abilities and ultimately, the Gallery of Graduate Arts will motivate them to pursue their arts and talents whether it is as a hobby or in supplement to their research, without feeling that they are stepping away from their academic or research path. We also think this is a great opportunity for students from different disciplines to interact with one another and exchange ideas. We are now in a world where everything is interdisciplinary, therefore we think the possibilities are endless.

May 2017 – June 2017

  • Recruit additional members to create a gallery planning committee
  • Browse and communicate with venues off-campus

July 2017 – August 2017

  • Promote event to McMaster graduate students, recruit artists
  • Seek faculty, graduate students and professionals to be guest speaker

September 2017 – October 2017

  • Organize event catering
  • Purchase supplies (easels, frames, labels)
  • Purchase gifts for participants and speakers

November 2017

  • Gallery of Graduate Arts