- Commit to scholarly activity.
- Engage in effective, timely and ongoing communication with your supervisor/advisor regarding the status of your project.
- Discuss expectations with your supervisor/advisor to ensure a mutual understanding of research goals and related activities, coursework, timelines and deadlines.
- Manage your time, meet deadlines, and prepare for regularly scheduled meetings (e.g., with supervisor/advisor and supervisory committee).
- Graduate program academic expectations will not be modified if you choose to engage in other activities, such as working outside of graduate studies, studying for professional program entrance exams or applying for jobs or postdoctoral fellowships.
- Student–supervisor meetings for thesis work typically occur at least monthly, although meeting regularity will vary amongst disciplines and at various stages.
- Discuss concerns about the type and amount of supervision needed for your work with your supervisor.
- Inform the academic head of your graduate program if you are concerned about inadequate or inappropriate supervision.
- Develop effective communication and collaborative skills.
- Demonstrate respect for others.
- Carefully and earnestly consider advice, suggestions, comments and criticisms received from your graduate supervisor/advisor.
- Expect timely, but not immediate, responses (regarding meetings, feedback on written work, etc.) from your supervisor/advisor and supervisory committee.
- Act ethically in conducting graduate work.
- Document and honestly report research data.
- Conscientiously cite information and data sources.
- Seek guidance on any data exclusions.
- Acknowledge contributions of the supervisor/advisor, committee members and others, in accordance with the norms of your academic discipline.
- Carry out all work safely and in accordance with standard operating procedures.
- Learn about safe practices, ask questions, and seek appropriate help and guidance on safety matters.
- Be aware of all the requirements, regulations, and guidelines outlined in the Graduate Calendar, as well as all university policies pertaining to graduate work.