Emotional Intelligence: Grad and Postdoc skills in the university and workplace
Apr 8, 2021
2:00PM to 3:30PM
Discover what it means to be “emotionally intelligent” and build your self-awareness at this 1.5 hour Introductory Workshop. Your facilitator will be Christine Costa, EQi2.0 Certified Trainer.
Whether you’re a team member, dealing with students, or simply interacting with people in general, emotional intelligence is increasingly becoming one of the most important skills any individual can have. Much of a person’s success is based on their ability to be in touch with, monitor, and effectively manage their responses to a variety of interpersonal interactions. This is referred to as Emotional Intelligence (EI). The measure of EI is a powerful predictor of success, and it can be improved through training, awareness, and deliberate action.
In this workshop, we will break down and explore the component parts of emotional intelligence. You will gain insight and tools you can apply to support your career development. Participants will have time to self-reflect and interact with others to help understand the model and and identify potential areas for further development.
If you have any questions prior to attending the workshop, please email Christine Costa at costac5@mcmaster.ca.