Mac Mindfulness
Dec 4, 2020
10:00AM to 11:30AM

Join this four-week mindfulness program to help you develop a more grounded perspective on your academic and personal life experiences.
Created for university-aged individuals and leveraging the Koru app, the course will help you to better manage your stress and focus. Students and postdocs who have completed the program have learned and applied mindfulness-based, stress-management strategies and reported they feel improved calmness and greater self-compassion and awareness.
The course is free and commitment to the full four weeks is encouraged.
Mac Mindfulness is the only evidence-based mindfulness curriculum designed for university-aged adults.
Those taking the course have reported:
- feeling more calm
- improved mindfulness
- feeling more rested
- having greater self-compassion
In four weeks, learn practical skills that help you manage stress and open your mind.
Register online.
Please note that registration closes prior to the first session on November 20.
Mac Mindfulness coaches for this course:
- Jill Axisa
- Carajane Dempsey