Mingle with the Library Experts
Sep 13, 2022
1:00PM to 2:30PM

Join us for your opportunity to chat with experts with the McMaster library system to learn how they can support you during your graduate program. We will have 12 different experts available to talk with you and answer your questions at this online event. We’ll use breakout rooms to let you choose which services are most relevant to your grad school journey. We’ll update the list as information becomes available, but some of the topics include:
- data visualization for your research (make it effective, not distracting)
- media communication for your research (e.g. posters, videos, GradFlix and communications competitions)
- data and stats for all users at all levels
- data management
- teaching and learning
- health research
- and more
Registration is required for this online event, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Breakout rooms
- Lyons New Media – Helping you find creative ways to communicate and present your research.
- Data and stats – What do we mean by the term “data”?
- Sherman Centre – What is digital scholarship?
- Research Data Management – Learn more about data management plans and data sharing for grants, journals, and more.
- Accessibility – How accessibility “works” for you and your students.
- Maps – We put the où in “scholarly source.’
- Teaching and Learning – How your personal librarian can help you.
- Health resources – If it relates to health, here’s where you want to go.
- Research Collections – Primary resources for everyone.
- Bibliometrics – Use citation databases to make maps of science.
- Graduate Writing support – How to ‘read’ articles and get writing support.
- GIS Services – Does your data contain a location? Find out how GIS can help in your research.