Location: The Great Hall (Alumni Memorial Hall, Upper Level)
During the course of a busy term, we are pulled in multiple directions with increasing demands for our time and attention. Without a game plan, confusion, procrastination and “busy work” dominate over moving toward higher goals. Research from psychology can provide effective strategies to choose priorities that separate signal from noise, focus attention to engage in deep work, and develop habits that invest limited resources on what really matters.
Lunch 1 to 3 p.m. (registration required)
Join us at 1 p.m. for lunch with The McCall MacBain postdocs and Dr. Joe Kim. Network and create collaborations with your fellow postdocs at McMaster University.
Organizers: Brought to you by the McCall MacBain Postdoctoral Fellows Teaching and Leadership Program, in collaboration with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and Research Training.