Resource Fair for graduate students
Sep 7, 2022
10:00AM to 2:00PM
McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Canada

Location: CIBC Hall, 3rd floor, MUSC
Looking for CIBC Hall? Here is an accessible map. The Hall is located in the McMaster University Student Centre.
** Masks are strongly encouraged at this event. If you need a mask, they will be available at the School of Graduate Studies table near the entrance to the Fair.**
This in-person event is back after two years! Brought to you by the School of Graduate Studies.
Drop by our School of Graduate Studies tables at the entrance of the Fair and meet our team members from
- Graduate Pay
- Graduate Student Resources
- Scholarships
Our new Vice-Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies will be joining us at various times during the Fair.
An ideal opportunity to connect with our partners and collaborators from across campus, who provide important supports and services for our graduate students!
- Athletics and Recreation
- Black Student Success Centre
- Equity and Inclusion Office
- Graduate Students Association
- Human Resources
- International Student Services
- MacPherson Institute
- McMaster Alumni
- McMaster Office for the Development of English Language Learners (MODEL)
- McMaster Open Circles
- McMaster Research Ethics
- McMaster University Libraries
- Mitacs
- Office of Community Engagement
- Ombuds Office
- Sexual Violence and Prevention Response Office
- Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship
- Spiritual Care Community Centre
- Student Accessibility Services
- Student Accounts
- Student Success Centre
- Academic Skills and Writing Services
- Career Services
- Mac Money Centre
- Student Support and Case Management Office
- Student Wellness Centre
- The Forge
- University Technology Services