Location: Westdale campus, Peter George Centre for Living and Learning, PGCLL M24
This workshop reviews what it means to be a CUPE Local 3906 Unit 1 member and covers different aspects of professionalism to set TA’s up for success at McMaster.
Note: This is an in-person offering of one of two required workshops for mandatory TA training.
New CUPE Local 3906, Unit 1 employee are required to complete five hours of mandatory training. The training includes a module on Anti-Oppression (2 hours) and TA Rights & Responsibilities (1 hour).
The additional two (2) hours of training are selected from a menu of centrally offered elective workshops.
Online asynchronous versions of all workshops are available on Avenue to Learn.
Register for the remaining workshops through the regulatory training tile in Mosaic to complete the five (5) hours.