The McMaster Library system is more than just buildings with books – it’s your strategic partner for success in your graduate and research program.
Join us for this interactive session with 12 different experts, over 90 minutes, to learn how the McMaster library system can help you, and get an insider’s guide to the top tips for each area.
This Zoom webinar will use breakout rooms to create a customized mini-conference with four 15-minute sessions of your choice. During the event, you will have the option to choose the breakout rooms that appeal most to you. Here’s the schedule:
Round 1:
Library Services
Research Collections
Round 2:
Research Data Management & Scholarly Identity
Learning Support
Library Accessibility Services
Round 3:
GIS & Geospatial
Sherman Centre for Digital Scholarship
Round 4:
Lyons New Media Centre
Open Access
Health Sciences Library
This event is open to new and returning graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Registration for this event is required on Zoom. Stay for the whole session, and be entered into a draw for 1 of 3 Indigo gift cards ($50 each).