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Websites and phone apps for English learners

Online Lessons and Exercises is based out of the University of Victoria English Language Centre. The site allows students to choose their level of competency first. Then, they are linked to a series of grammar, reading, vocabulary or puzzle lessons. Each activity has a lesson, understanding check, and exercises corrected on the spot.

5-Minute English provides links to online grammar, reading, vocabulary, listening, pronunciation, slang and idioms lessons and exercises. Explanation and teaching are provided, followed by exercises to test understanding. Not all components include testing.

Dave’s ESL Cafe is a general meeting place for ESL teachers and students from around the world. Forums, chat groups, a variety of grammar lessons and online quizzes (with instant feedback) are featured.

English Media Lab includes several quizzes and games that can be played online to practice grammar, vocabulary, and more. Useful

Activities for ESL Students includes links to grammar and vocabulary activities (online and worksheet) as well as a series of bilingual quizzes (e.g. Arabic-English).

Learn English, Feel Good features a series of printable worksheets and answer keys. No interactive or online work is available. Many grammar and writing skills are covered in the exercises, but no real teaching or explanation provided.

Phone apps

Merriam Webster Learner’s Dictionary – English

A dictionary that explains words in simple, easy-to-understand English with multiple examples. Students can voice-search for words (look up words without knowing the correct spelling) and save words they learn or wish to review again later as “Favourites.”  This app must be purchased.

NAWL Builder Multilingual and AWL Builder Multilingual

Free apps that provide a system for learning academic words. Each app includes tools designed to help students learn lists of academic vocabulary (New Academic Word List (NAWL) and Academic Word List (AWL)) quickly and easily. Progress can be recorded and sent to others.