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Graduate Studies

Mackenzie Martin

Mackenzie Martin received the 2023 Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. She will be working under Andrea Gonzalez, Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences. Mackenzie completed her doctorate at University of Oxford.


What does receiving a Banting Fellowship mean to you?

The Banting Fellowship is a wonderful opportunity to continue my work on how best to advance child and family health and well-being via parenting programs. I am grateful for SSHRC’s continued support of my research.

Tell us about your Banting research.

I will be working on a project with Dr Gonzalez titled, “What Parenting Programs are Delivered in Canada, to Whom, and with What Impact?

The purpose of this project is to investigate the effectiveness of parenting programs aiming to reduce child maltreatment and promote positive parenting in Canada and to determine whether all families benefit equally, particularly those of different genders, ethnicities, and levels of social disadvantage. Findings from this fellowship will be used to inform whether certain families have inequitable access to parenting programs and their benefits in the Canadian context.

About postdoc life

What inspired you to pursue a postdoc at McMaster?

For my graduate studies, I was fortunate to be part of research projects in over seven countries wherein I learned from researchers, practitioners, and families from around the world. For my postdoc, I wanted the opportunity to expand on my learning abroad by coming home to work with Canadian child and family intervention experts. As faculty in the Offord Centre and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences are nationally and internationally recognized for their research on enhancing child and family health and well-being, I was hopeful that I could continue my research under their guidance.

What aspect of your postdoc are you most excited about?

I am particularly looking forward to learning from Dr Gonzalez and her lab as well as the incredible faculty, staff, and students at the Offord Centre and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences.

When you’re not busy being a postdoctoral researcher, how do you like to spend your free time?

In line with my research, spending time with my family is very important to me. I also enjoy travelling and have been to about 22 countries. Akin to travel, I enjoy cooking, but mostly eating food from all over the world.

Beyond your Banting postdoc

After your postdoc, what do you see as the next step in your life journey?

I am passionate about advancing the quality of life and well-being of vulnerable children and families. Following my postdoc, in line with my roots as a school teacher and human ecologist, I hope to continue working to empower children and families through a combination of teaching, research, and community service.