Are you starting your graduate journey in September? On-time registration runs until August 1. Visit our Orientation Hub for more information.
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Graduate Studies

Graduate Community Resources

Resources and supports to help you throughout your graduate student journey.

Graduate faculty and staff: Please scroll down to find resources and supports.

Your Academic Journey

Grad Writing Learn more

Here are some resources to help you with your grad writing journey.

Graduate Supervision Learn more

Building a good relationship with your supervisor is important!

International Students Learn more

Supports, services and resources for international students.

Accommodations for students with disabilities Learn more

Creating a learning environment that is accessible to all students is a value embedded within the university’s fabric, as well as our policies, services and practices. Learn more about supports available to graduate students with disabilities.

Completing your degree Learn more

Review the process of completion for:

  • PhD
  • thesis-based master’s
  • course-based master’s

Student Appeals Learn More

Learn more about the policy and process for student appeals.

Career and Professional Development Learn more

Resources, workshops, supports and services to help you reach your professional and personal development goals.

Library supports and resources Visit the Library

McMaster Library offers many supports, resources, library guides and more – specific to the graduate student journey.

Setting up your remote work station Working remotely

Learn more about

  • software available to all McMaster students
  • supports and resources to help you set up a secure work station
  • upcoming training events to support working remotely


McMaster Library remote support Library support

The Library has created a Remote Support Hub featuring resources focused on:

  • research
  • teaching
  • learning

MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching Learn more

The MacPherson Institute provides a wide range of teaching and learning resources to instructors of all levels at McMaster.

Lights. Camera. GradFlix! Learn More

Take your research story to the small screen in the annual GradFlix video competition for graduate students who are in research-based programs.

GradFlix Final Showcase 2023 Learn More

An annual video competition to enhance your communication skills and showcase graduate research.

Check out this year’s Final Showcase.

Three Minute Thesis Learn more

The Three Minute Thesis competition is an opportunity to build your presentation skills, share your research with the broader community … and win some great prizes!

Due to COVID-19, the 2021 Three Minute Thesis competition has been cancelled. Please see our new GradFlix competition in 2021!


Student Wellness Centre Student Wellness Centre

The Student Wellness Centre is the place on campus to address your wellness needs. Services include:

  • counselling
  • mental health supports
  • medical care
  • wellness programs and education

Wellness resources

A slide presentation of Student Wellness Centre resources and links, curated by the Graduate Wellness Team.

Open Circle McMaster Learn more

Open Circle McMaster is a diverse and consensus-based community where McMaster students can discuss life, spiritual and societal issues, as well as find volunteering opportunities available in the broader Hamilton community.

Graduate Wellness Newsletter Subscribe online

The Graduate Wellness team at the Student Wellness Centre, delivers information about programs, as well as tips and strategies to help you stay well during your graduate journey. The newsletter is delivered to your email inbox every two weeks.

Mental health supports

Good2Talk provides 24/7 confidential counselling, information, and referrals to all post-secondary students in Ontario via phone at 1-866-925-5454 or text GOOD2TALKON to 686868.

Empower Me (graduate students) provides 24/7 accessible counselling services to empower you to thrive, crisis support, mental health and well-being services. Telephone: 1-844-741-6389

Beyond the labs and libraries

Graduate Student Recognition Awards More about awards

Acknowledging the contributions of graduate students, supervisors and staff to McMaster University.

Nominations for the 2023/24 awards close on March 11, 2024.

Spices Learn more

Student Proposals for Intellectual Community & Engaged Scholarship –better known as Spices – are projects that are unique and address a need in the grad, McMaster, or broader Hamilton communities.

Open Circle McMaster Open Circle

Open Circle McMaster is a diverse and consensus-based community where McMaster students can discuss life, spiritual and societal issues, as well as find volunteering opportunities available in the broader Hamilton community.

Graduate Students Association (GSA) Visit the GSA

The GSA advocates for the graduate student community at McMaster, providing support and services, including

  • health and dental benefits
  • personal and professional development opportunities
  • social events
  • more

Families Learn more

On- and off-campus resources for grad students and postdocs who have families, as well as information about a Parenting Grant for graduate students who take leave.

Valedictorian Learn More

Graduate students are eligible to represent the graduating class as Valedictorian at fall convocation ceremonies.

For Fall Valedictorian, graduate or undergraduate students can nominate themselves or be nominated by a fellow student or faculty member.

Faculty and Staff resources

Unconscious bias training Learn more

A faculty and staff resource to help us ensure scholarship and admissions adjudication is compliant with institutional priorities and strategic directions for equity, diversity, and inclusion.