Are you starting your graduate journey in September? On-time registration runs until August 1. Visit our Orientation Hub for more information.
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Graduate Studies

Graduate Writing

Graduate Writing Resources

Dissertation Writing Intensive, July 2 to 4 and August 19 to 21

Two grad students sit at a table, each looking at their own laptop screens.How much could you get done with three full days of structured writing time? Apply to the Dissertation Writing Intensive and find out!

Designed to help you make substantial progress in a concentrated period of time, the Dissertation Writing Intensive features structured writing time, trained writing advisors are available to meet with students, and optional workshops will be offered throughout. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be available all day for those participating in person.

The Dissertation Writing Intensive may be a great fit if:

  • you have completed most or all of your research and need to get a lot of writing done;
  • your motivation for writing your dissertation could use a boost;
  • you are excited at the prospect of making meaningful progress in a short period of time;
  • you like free coffee, tea, and snacks (for those participating in person).

The Dissertation Writing Intensive might not be a good fit if you

  • cannot clear your calendar for 3 full days
  • do not have a substantial writing task to focus on
  • are satisfied with your writing process and progress toward completion

Space is limited for this event. If you would like a chance to be a part of the October intensive

Register your interest on the application form.

Doctoral students who intend to graduate in 2024 will be given preference, but any grad student who would benefit from dedicated writing time should apply!

Questions? Reach out to our graduate writing specialist at

Expandable List

Learn more about the varied works you may be asked to create during your graduate education in this online module: An Introduction to Graduate-Level Writing. The module Includes self-reflection and skills-based activities.

Watch the module on YouTube

Get support with a trained graduate-level writing advisor through the Writing Centre.

Available to McMaster graduate students in all programs and disciplines, get support with planning, organization, revision, motivation, incorporating feedback, and writing for publication.

You can book appointments through Oscarplus or by emailing

Note: The Writing Centre does not provide editing services, but offers support and strategies to help students improve their scholarly writing skills.

Go to Oscarplus

Enjoy facilitated writing time, support and accountability at a writing circle

Graduate Writing Circles are designed to keep graduate students on track to meet their writing goals. Facilitated by a trained writing advisor, these groups provide participants with tools to support goal-setting, meeting deadlines, and making the writing process as productive and efficient as possible.

During a typical session, students will share successes and challenges in meeting specific writing goals. Students will celebrate wins and troubleshoot obstacles. Some groups will have co-working time built into the sessions.

Graduate Writing Circles happen each Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., either in person or online. Email for in-person location and online link.

Visit our updated – and fully accessible – Graduate Thesis Writer’s Toolkit!

A series of resources, tip sheets, and experiences related to organization, technical aspects, and staying well.


Learn about the purpose of an abstract and the five potential “moves” an abstract can have.

Learn more

A list of advanced principles to consider when editing your work.

Learn more

To help graduate students who are English learners:

  • on-campus supports
  • external websites and apps
  • articles and downloads

Learn more