MacPherson Teaching and Learning Forum
Aug 20, 2020 to Sep 10, 2020
12:00AM to 12:00AM

The Teaching and Learning Forum offers new and returning teaching assistants (TAs), graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and sessional instructors information sessions and workshops on various teaching and learning topics.
This year the event will take place fully online with a series of asynchronous workshops (pre-recorded workshops you can complete at any time) available starting as early as August 20. There will also be a few synchronous online workshops (live online workshops taking place at a set time) available on September 10.
The online asynchronous workshops will be available on the Teaching and Learning Forum Avenue to Learn site. After you register, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the Teaching and Learning Forum Avenue site which will go live on August 20.
The synchronous online workshops will largely take place via Microsoft Teams, with links provided prior to September 10.
As a registrant, there is no limit to the number of online asynchronous workshops that you may complete. However, should you choose to participate in the synchronous online workshops, you may only register for up to two workshops scheduled.
If you are being asked to engage in the Teaching & Learning Forum as part of training for a TA position, please be sure to connect with your supervising instructor prior to the event so you can discuss expectations (i.e. which sessions you should attend, number of hours that will be accounted for in your Hours of Work Form).
For more details and registration information, visit Eventbrite.