Social Insurance Number (SIN) Clinic on campus
Jan 5, 2024
9:00AM to 12:00PM

Location: McMaster University Student Centre, MUSC B118
Find the building on the campus map. Find the room on the accessible map.
Service Canada will be on campus to issue Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) to international students who are authorized to work on and off campus.
This is a drop-in clinic – no scheduled appointments. Make sure to review and bring all required items (listed below) when you come to the clinic.
During the one-on-one session, Service Canada will register your information and print your official SIN number.
On the day of the clinic
Bring the following items and be ready to share the following information:
- Your original Study Permit (with working authorization printed on it) and/or work permit (copies/screenshots are NOT accepted)
- Your passport
- Your first name, your last name, and your date of birth
- Your father’s complete name
- Your mother’s maiden name (their name before they were married)
- Your complete address and telephone number
If you have general questions about this event, contact the International and Exchange Student Experience team at
Not able to visit a clinic? You can apply for your Social Insurance Number online.
Visit the Government of Canada website for all details and to apply.