Nominations are open for Fall Valedictorian

The dissertation is complete and you’ve successfully defended. Now it’s time to look to the future and you’re ready … oh boy, are you ready! But something odd is happening because you’re still thinking about the past, the people you’ve met, the impact they’ve made. You have new insight into who you are and why you made all of those choices over the past several years. You have stories to tell, a message to share.
You sound a bit like a valedictorian.
To many of us, giving the final address to a graduating class sounds a bit daunting, even for a driven scholar who recalls The Avengers — the first one, mind you — as the last film seen in a movie theatre. But what a finale to your graduate student life!
Who is a valedictorian?
First, you are one of those individuals classified as “all that” when it comes to academic achievements. Second, you have leadership skills and you know how to use them — personally, professionally or in the community. Finally, you are a good communicator.
Also, all nominees must be full- or part-time graduate or undergraduate students who are in good standing.
Deadline to nominate yourself or one of your fellow graduating students is fast approaching — all nomination packages must be complete and uploaded to Award Force no later than September 26 at 8 a,m.
Eligibility, nomination package details and links are available on our site.
Faculty members may also nominate a student to be fall valedictorian.
Hear valedictory addresses from past Fall Convocations
Maryam Bdav gave her valedictory address after receiving her PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2019.
Kaitlin Debicki, assistant professor in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster gave her valedictory address in Fall 2017, after receiving her PhD.
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