Selection committee
The selection committee shall be composed as follows for the Fall convocation:
- All six Associate Deans Graduate (Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science and Social Sciences) or faculty designate in case of conflict of interest
- 1-2 Members of the Graduate Student Association
- The MSU Vice President Education, or designate
The selection committee will focus on the following three areas, based on criteria set out by the Tri-Councils:
- academic excellence
- personal characteristics and interpersonal skills,
- communication skills
Academic excellence
High academic achievement is required. Academic achievement includes both performance in any undergraduate or graduate level courses. As demonstrated by past academic results, transcripts, awards, and distinctions. Indicators of academic excellence:
- academic record
- scholarships and awards held
- duration of previous studies
- type of program and courses pursued
- course load
- relative standing (if available)
Personal characteristics and interpersonal skills
As demonstrated by the applicant’s past professional and relevant extracurricular interactions and collaborations. Indicators of personal characteristics and interpersonal skills:
- work experience
- leadership experience
- project management, including organizing conferences and meetings
- ability or potential to communicate complex concepts clearly and logically in written and oral formats
- involvement in academic life
- volunteerism/community outreach
Candidates selected from nominations based on academic excellence and personal characteristics an interpersonal skills will be invited to submit additional materials, including the full text of their speech, a one-paragraph abstract, and a two-minute video recording of any portion of their speech (full speech is a maximum of 5 minutes).
The selection committee will review materials, and may submit follow up questions for nominees.