Resource Fair for graduate students
Sep 6, 2023
10:30AM to 2:30PM

Location: CIBC Hall The Hall is located in the McMaster University Student Centre, third floor, room 319. Here is an accessible map.
This in-person event is brought to you by the School of Graduate Studies.
Drop by our School of Graduate Studies tables at the Fair and meet our team members from across the School!
If you uploaded your student photo by the deadline of August 11 and you haven’t yet received your McMaster ID card, cards will be available for pickup at the Fair.
NOTE: Some programs will be distributing cards directly – please check our website for that information, as those cards will NOT be available for pickup at the Fair.
If you uploaded your photo after the deadline, your card can be picked up in the Registrar’s Office (Gilmour Hall, room 108) after September 5 — your card will NOT be available at the Fair.
An ideal opportunity to connect with our partners and collaborators from across campus, who provide important supports and services for our graduate students!
Who will be at the Fair
- School of Graduate Studies
- Scholarships
- Student Resources
- Grad Pay
- Records
- Student Accounts
- Academic Integrity Office
- McMaster Library
- Meet McMaster’s librarians who can help you with research and learning
- Access and Open Licensing
- Lyons New Media Centre
- Sherman Centre for Digital Humanities
- Research Data Management
- Digital Research Commons Pilot (DROP)
- Student Success Centre
- Mac’s Money Centre
- Writing Centre
- Careers
- International Student Services
- Black Student Success Centre
- Indigenous Student Services
- Indigenous Health Learning Lodge
- Latin American Network at McMaster University
- Student Accessibility Services
- Housing and Conference Services
- Student Wellness
- Student Open Circles
- Okanagan Office of Health and Well-Being
- McMaster Alumni
- McMaster Research Ethics
- MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching
- Community Engagement Office
- The Forge
- Graduate Students Association
- McMaster Museum of Art
- Ombuds Office
- Office of Equity and Inclusion
- Sexual Violence and Prevention Response Office
- University Technology Services