Information Box Group
Transcripts Transcripts
How to request – and read – a transcript.
Enrolment / Graduation verification Enrolment/graduation verification
Request enrolment verification.
Degree verification Degree verification
Employer, third-party and alumni degree verification.
Name change Name changes and edits
Information on name edits and preferred and legal name changes.
McMaster Student ID card (MacCard) MacCard website
What your student card is used for, receiving your student card or replacing a student card.
Visiting students / LOP Visiting students/LOP
Letter of Permission for McMaster students visiting other universities or visiting students coming to McMaster.
Diploma replacement Diploma replacement
Duplicate and replacement parchments, diplomas and certificates.
International fee exemptions International fee exemptions
Who is exempt from international fees and how to apply for exemption status.
NOTE: International and domestic students pay the same tuition fees for PhD programs.
Forms and policies Forms and policies
Downloadable forms and links to relevant university policies for the graduate student community.